Creating a Windows 7 Buffer Overflow Practice VM in Proxmox

In this module, we will look at creating a vulnerable Windows 7 VM in Proxmox that will run some applications which are vulnerable to 32-bit stack-based buffer overflows
Creating a Windows 7 Buffer Overflow Practice VM in Proxmox
In: Proxmox, Home Lab, Windows, Attack
This page is part of the larger series of converting an old laptop into a bare metal home lab server. Click here to be taken back to the project home page.

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External Pentest Practice in Your Proxmox AD Lab
In this module of the Proxmox cybersecurity home lab project, we are going to look at the process of setting up a dual-homed target to serve as a pivot point into an Active Directory network.

If you need a Windows 7 ISO, refer back to this page and download one of the 64 bit images.

Running Windows Guests on Proxmox
In this module, we will look at the optimal way to run Windows guests in our Proxmox home lab

Create the VM




Hard Disk




Putting my BOF VM on the untrusted VLAN with internet access. You could put it on VLAN 80 and join it to your domain if you wanted it to be part of your lab.


Turn on the VM. Install Windows 7 using the .iso file. Create a user account and sign in.

Disable Windows Firewall

Open the Start Menu and search for Control Panel

Click System Security

Click Windows Firewall

Turn off both zones

Disable Windows Updates

Disable Windows Defender

In the Control Panel, click the View by option

Change this to small icons.

Go to Tools > Options

Uncheck this box

Click Administrator and uncheck this box

Click Save

Uninstall Security Updates

I wrote a script for just this purpose. All the instructions for running the script can be found on the GitHub repo.

GitHub - 0xBEN/RemoveWindowsSecurityPatches: PowerShell script that can be used to create vulnerable Windows targets.
PowerShell script that can be used to create vulnerable Windows targets. - GitHub - 0xBEN/RemoveWindowsSecurityPatches: PowerShell script that can be used to create vulnerable Windows targets.

Install Prerequisites on the VM

Install a Vulnerable App on the VM

Take a Snapshot of the VM

Take a snapshot of the VM in its current state, so that you can revert to a clean slate after running some exploits on the VM, or if any licensing or activation issues occur.

  1. Go to the Proxmox GUI

  2. Click the Windows 7 VM

  3. Click Snapshots

  4. Take a snapshot

  5. My snapshot settings are

    • Name: prereqs_installed
    • Description
    Disabled Firewall
    Disabled Updates
    Disabled Defender
    Uninstalled security updates
    Python 2.7
    Immunity Debugger
    Google Chrome
    Runtime libraries for vulnerable apps

Hack the Vulnerable Applications

I linked you to two vulnerable 32-bit applications to be run on the Windows host. From here, as long as you have a debugger installed, you can get to work on hacking the vulnerable applications.

The best advice would be to go to Google (or your favorite search engine) and find some tutorials on developing exploits to target these vulnerable applications. There is no shortage of walkthroughs on various blogs or YouTube channels. The only difference between the walkthroughs and your environment will be the IP address of the target (and maybe your debugger). So, go have fun.

Finishing Up the Home Lab Guide

Proxmox VE 8: Converting a Laptop into a Bare Metal Server
In this project, we will take a look at an in-detail process of setting up a Proxmox home lab on a bare metal server.

Click here to be taken to the final stretch of the project

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