HackTheBox | Blazorized

In this walkthrough, I demonstrate how I obtained complete ownership of Blazorized on HackTheBox

Initial Foothold Hint

  • The target is an Active Directory domain controller, so the typical AD playbook will apply here
  • You don't have to be a web assembly expert to find the exploit
    • Instead, focus on the interesting files your client has access to. You should see them in your proxy history. These are not your typical web files.
      • Keep in mind that WASM is a way to provide lower-level system access via the web browser. So, you're looking at compiled binaries.
    • Once you gain access to the admin part of the web server, pay careful attention to the wording on the landing page

Privilege Escalation Hint

  • Depending on the extent and quality of your post-exploit enumeration, you may find several early hints on the file system pointing to your next moves
  • Remember, this is an Active Directory domain controller, so focus on enumeration steps with this in mind
  • Lateral Pivot 1
    • This will be a test of your enumeration, look all around the host for access your current user has
    • Think about some specific features that might be useful when a user logs in
  • Lateral Pivot 2
    • Did you notice anything interesting in your earlier Bloodhound enumeration?
    • It should be pretty obvious how you become admin from here
For more hints and assistance, come chat with me and the rest of your peers in the HackTheBox Discord server. Or, you can reach out to me at my other social links in the site footer or site menu.

Owned Blazorized from Hack The Box!
I have just owned machine Blazorized from Hack The Box

Nmap Results

# Nmap 7.94SVN scan initiated Tue Jul  2 14:59:10 2024 as: nmap -Pn -p- --min-rate 2000 -sC -sV -oN nmap-scan.txt
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.020s latency).
Not shown: 65507 closed tcp ports (reset)
53/tcp    open  domain        Simple DNS Plus
80/tcp    open  http          Microsoft IIS httpd 10.0
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://blazorized.htb
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
88/tcp    open  kerberos-sec  Microsoft Windows Kerberos (server time: 2024-07-02 19:00:39Z)
135/tcp   open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn   Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
389/tcp   open  ldap          Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: blazorized.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds?
464/tcp   open  kpasswd5?
593/tcp   open  ncacn_http    Microsoft Windows RPC over HTTP 1.0
636/tcp   open  tcpwrapped
1433/tcp  open  ms-sql-s      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 16.00.1115.00; RC0+
| ms-sql-info: 
|     Instance name: BLAZORIZED
|     Version: 
|       name: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 RC0+
|       number: 16.00.1115.00
|       Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2022
|       Service pack level: RC0
|       Post-SP patches applied: true
|     TCP port: 1433
|_    Clustered: false
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=SSL_Self_Signed_Fallback
| Not valid before: 2024-07-02T06:33:04
|_Not valid after:  2054-07-02T06:33:04
| ms-sql-ntlm-info: 
|     Target_Name: BLAZORIZED
|     NetBIOS_Domain_Name: BLAZORIZED
|     NetBIOS_Computer_Name: DC1
|     DNS_Domain_Name: blazorized.htb
|     DNS_Computer_Name: DC1.blazorized.htb
|     DNS_Tree_Name: blazorized.htb
|_    Product_Version: 10.0.17763
|_ssl-date: 2024-07-02T19:01:43+00:00; +1s from scanner time.
3268/tcp  open  ldap          Microsoft Windows Active Directory LDAP (Domain: blazorized.htb0., Site: Default-First-Site-Name)
3269/tcp  open  tcpwrapped
5985/tcp  open  http          Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)
|_http-title: Not Found
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
9389/tcp  open  mc-nmf        .NET Message Framing
47001/tcp open  http          Microsoft HTTPAPI httpd 2.0 (SSDP/UPnP)
|_http-title: Not Found
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
49664/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49665/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49666/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49667/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49669/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49670/tcp open  ncacn_http    Microsoft Windows RPC over HTTP 1.0
49671/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49674/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49682/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49707/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
49776/tcp open  ms-sql-s      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 16.00.1115.00; RC0+
| ms-sql-info: 
|     Version: 
|       name: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 RC0+
|       number: 16.00.1115.00
|       Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2022
|       Service pack level: RC0
|       Post-SP patches applied: true
|_    TCP port: 49776
| ms-sql-ntlm-info: 
|     Target_Name: BLAZORIZED
|     NetBIOS_Domain_Name: BLAZORIZED
|     NetBIOS_Computer_Name: DC1
|     DNS_Domain_Name: blazorized.htb
|     DNS_Computer_Name: DC1.blazorized.htb
|     DNS_Tree_Name: blazorized.htb
|_    Product_Version: 10.0.17763
|_ssl-date: 2024-07-02T19:01:43+00:00; +1s from scanner time.
| ssl-cert: Subject: commonName=SSL_Self_Signed_Fallback
| Not valid before: 2024-07-02T06:33:04
|_Not valid after:  2054-07-02T06:33:04
59169/tcp open  msrpc         Microsoft Windows RPC
Service Info: Host: DC1; OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

Host script results:
| smb2-security-mode: 
|   3:1:1: 
|_    Message signing enabled and required
| smb2-time: 
|   date: 2024-07-02T19:01:35
|_  start_date: N/A

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at https://nmap.org/submit/ .
# Nmap done at Tue Jul  2 15:01:44 2024 -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 153.30 seconds
Looking at the ports on the box, it's obvious that this is a domain controller. We also see some references to blazorized.htb and DC1.blazorized.htb, so let's go ahead and get that added to our /etc/hosts file.
echo -e '\tDC1.blazorized.htb blazorized.htb' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

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