Threat Hunting with FleetDM and Osquery

Recently, the folks at Chainguard open-sourced some Osquery threat hunting queries, so I wrote a script to convert the queries to YAML docs for import into FleetDM.
Threat Hunting with FleetDM and Osquery
In: Home Lab, Defend, SIEM, Threat Hunting, Wazuh, Osquery

What is Osquery?

Osquery is an open source endpoint analytics tool that can query a massive variety of information about a host using SQL queries. Effectively, osquery catalogs information about a host in a relational database.

It has many applications from cyber security, to IT operations, and policy enforcement. When combined with a SIEM or a centralized management server, osquery becomes a formidable tool in the cybersecurity operator and system administrator's toolbox.

What is FleetDM?

FleetDM is an open source fork of the Kolide Fleet server. This central management server allows you to deploy and control your osquery endpoints at scale. An operator can log into the FleetDM server and run multiple SQL queries against multiple osquery endpoints at scale. It is incredibly powerful.

Threat Hunting Queries

A couple days ago (as of this writing), Thomas Strömberg announced that Chainguard had open-sourced their threat hunting queries that they use with osquery.

The only problem for me is that I wanted a way to get them into FleetDM, so that I could run the queries from the control server. Now, I am not aware of any straightforward way to take the .sql files from the GitHub repo and convert them into a YAML document for import into the FleetDM server. Although, I would love it if someone would correct me on that.

Bulk Importing the Queries and Policies

Creating the YAML Documents

I got the idea to use the fleetctl apply tool to bulk import the queries from a YAML doc, as this is something you can do when installing FleetDM to import some standard queries.

I forked their GitHub repo and got to work on a PowerShell script that would parse the .sql files and convert them to the YAML template that could be used to import them with fleetctl .

GitHub - 0xBEN/osquery-defense-kit: Production-ready detection & response queries for osquery
Production-ready detection & response queries for osquery - GitHub - 0xBEN/osquery-defense-kit: Production-ready detection & response queries for osquery

The PowerShell script is designed to be idempotent. So, regardless if you run the script once or many times, existing queries should remain in the template, while new queries are added to the template file.

With that being the case, you can safely import the YAML document multiple times, as the fleetctl command will not create duplicate entries, but will update the existing query name with the same query – effectively overwriting the data with identical data.

Importing the YAML Documents

The first step would be run the script to generate the YAML documents (or you can use the existing ones in the repository).

cd osquery-defense-kit
pwsh -f ./Out-FleetYamlTemplate.ps1

Once you've run the script and the .yml documents are generated, it's time to import the queries into FleetDM. I show you how to do this in my notes here, except, instead of importing the standard query pack, you'll import the new YAML documents.

After authenticating to the API using fleetctl, I can import the queries in bulk

Once the import is complete, you can log into FleetDM and check out your new queries.

Updating the Query Packs

cd osquery-defense-kit

# Delete the existing queries & policies
# In the past, the maintainers have renamed existing queries
# This causes duplicate queries with different names
fleetctl delete -f chainguard-detection-queries.yml
fleetctl delete -f chainguard-IR-queries.yml
fleetctl delete -f chainguard-policies.yml

# Remove the YAML docs, as new ones will be generated
rm chainguard-detection-queries.yml
rm chainguard-IR-queries.yml
rm chainguard-policies.yml

# Pull the latest query files
git pull
pwsh -f ./Out-FleetYamlTemplate.ps1
fleetctl apply -f chainguard-detection-queries.yml
fleetctl apply -f chainguard-IR-queries.yml
fleetctl apply -f chainguard-policies.yml

Ingesting Osquery Logs into Wazuh

I'm using the logall_json option in my Wazuh setup, and logging all events to the wazuh-archives-* index pattern. If you are not using this configuration, you can use the existing json decoder in Wazuh, but you'll need to configure a custom rule to alert on any desired osquery logs.

Fleet Osquery Logging Overview

You can run queries on registered osquery endpoints in the following way using Fleet DM:

Fleet DM GUI Menu Bar
  1. Ad-hoc queries (live queries)
  2. Scheduled queries

Live Queries

Results from live queries are not logged on any of the target hosts.

When running ad-hoc queries, you click the Queries menu and choose a query from the list of available options. Then, you check the host(s) or group of hosts to run the queries against.

This sends a live query to the osquery agent running on the target host and the results from SQL query are streamed back to the Fleet DM server.

Any results from ad-hoc queries will be logged at /tmp/osquery_result on the Fleet DM server; not on the endpoints.

Scheduled Queries

Scheduled queries are run at regular intervals on groups of hosts. A scheduled query can be set to one of two types:

  • Snapshot
  • Differential
Results from scheduled queries — be they snapshot queries or differential queries — are logged on the targeted hosts.

In summary, a snapshot query is a complete set of results at anytime the query is run. A differential query — on the other hand — is only going to log results that are different from the previous run.

Logging - osquery

Official documentation with more detail on the query types

On a default Fleet DM installation, scheduled queries are logged at the following locations on osquery endpoints:

Snapshot Queries

  • Linux: /opt/orbit/osquery_log/osqueryd.snapshots.log
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Orbit\osquery_log\osqueryd.snapshots.log

Differential Queries

  • Linux: /opt/orbit/osquery_log/osqueryd.results.log
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\Orbit\osquery_log\osqueryd.results.log

Reading Logs with Wazuh Agents

We can use a group configuration (shared configuration) on the Wazuh Manager to push some log collection directives to a group of agents to make management easier.

Logically speaking, it is most likely that the same hosts where you have your Wazuh agents installed are also going to be configured with osquery endpoints. Therefore, it makes it easiest, and the most sense to push the log collection directives to the default Wazuh group.

Management > Groups > Click 'default' and edit 'agent.conf'

The default group's agent.conf file in Wazuh is split into two entities — one for os="linux" and one for os="windows". We can place the <localfile></localfile> directives in each respective section.

<agent_config os="linux">
        <label key="log_source">osquery</label>
        <label key="osquery_log_type">differential</label>
        <label key="log_source">osquery</label>
        <label key="osquery_log_type">snapshot</label>
    <!-- removed by author for brevity -->
<agent_config os="windows">
        <location>C:\Program Files\Orbit\osquery_log\osqueryd.results.log</location>
        <label key="log_source">osquery</label>
        <label key="osquery_log_type">differential</label>
        <location>C:\Program Files\Orbit\osquery_log\osqueryd.snapshots.log</location>
        <label key="log_source">osquery</label>
        <label key="osquery_log_type">snapshot</label>
    <!-- removed by author for brevity -->

Click 'Save' once you've updated the configuration

Once you have saved the agent.conf configuration, this will be pushed to the Wazuh agents and they will begin ingesting the target log files.

Wrapping Up

If you've followed along with me to the end, thank you for reading. And thank you to the folks at osquery (Meta), FleetDM, and Chainguard for their contributions to the open source community.

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